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Archive for the ‘Tips for Home Owners’ Category

5 Signs of Problems with your Plumbing…..

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017


You probably don’t think about your plumbing system very often, until there is a problem! Once you do detect an issue, it should get your immediate attention. Putting off repairing your plumbing could result in expensive water damage and even more costly repairs.

It’s also important to look for plumbing issues in a home you might be considering to purchase. Anything causing water damage or moisture issues could mean there is mildew and mould lurking in the walls. If so, this can be hazardous to your health and will have to be dealt with immediately. Moisture can also damage the insulation, framing, drywall and other parts of the home and can be a real headache to deal with.

Though the majority of the plumbing system is inside the walls, there are some outward signs that something could be wrong with the plumbing.


1. No running water.

If you turn on a tap and nothing comes out – you obviously have an issue with your plumbing system. First, check to make sure that the main water valve that supplies the house is actually turned on. If your main water line is turned on, give your local municipality a call to see if they’ve turn off the water for some reason.

If you’re not getting any water, it could mean that you have a clogged pipe. Things like food, hair, oils and other debris can clog your pipes. If this is the case, one of the best plumbers in Edmonton will have special tools to inspect and clean your drains if necessary.

If you have hard water, you might have mineral deposits blocking water flow. Unfortunately, these deposits will continue to accumulate until you have no choice but to replace the line. Hard water can also be damaging your appliances. If you do have hard water, you should consider installing a water softener.

If it is winter time and you have no running water, then you might have a frozen pipe. If any part of your plumbing is exposed in the basement, check for bulging which is a clear indication that water is frozen in there.  If you find one frozen pipe, you can bet you have others.  Learn how to prevent frozen water pipes. This will have to be repaired by a Master Plumber immediately.

2. Flooding in the basement.

If any part of the basement is flooded or even damp, your pipes could be leaking or you could have water coming in through a window or the foundation. A leaking pipe could cause damage to your floors, drywall, foundation and other parts of the basement. If you see dampness, and think it might be a plumbing-related issue, it should be repaired as soon as possible.

3.  Stains on the ceiling or walls

Water marks and stains on the walls or ceiling are a sure sign that something is leaking from the plumbing line. If it is left too long the water could damage the structural integrity of the home and could aid the growth of dangerous mould in the home.

4. Weak water pressure

If you used to have strong water pressure and have noticed a significant drop in the flow, you could be losing water from a leak somewhere else in your plumbing system. It might be difficult to try to find the leak yourself. Before removing drywall to inspect your plumbing system, call in one of the best plumbers in Edmonton to take a look at it for you.

5. Flooding around the home’s exterior.

Random flooding in the yard or around the home, that isn’t caused by rain or snow, can mean there is a problem with the main drainage pipe underground. Repairing a sewer line is a major undertaking, but it has to be done. Check with your local municipality as the main sewer lines outside of your home is owned by then as it could be their responsibility to fix.

Types of Roofing

Tuesday, July 25th, 2017



Asphalt shingles are by far the most common type of roofing material used, but you will find a variety of roofing materials used on Edmonton homes including metal, wood and tile. If you have a low-pitched or flat roof, you’ll need a special roofing system altogether. Here is some information on different types of roofing, including the pros and cons of each.


Asphalt Roof

Pros: Asphalt roofing is the most affordable roofing option. Asphalt shingles are durable, stand up well to Alberta’s changing climate and can last 15 or more. They come in a variety of colours and can easily match your home’s exterior design. Roofing contractors usually offer good warranties on asphalt roofs that are owner-transferrable if you ever sell your home.

Cons: Asphalt roofing can start to curl, peel and come away from your roof over time. You might notice your asphalt roof is deteriorating when it gets the most sun exposure. If installed improperly or if cheap materials are used, your asphalt shingles might not last as long as you hoped.

Metal Roof

Pros: Metal roofs are incredibly durable, virtually maintenance-free and can last over 50 years. Metal roofing contractors will tell you that a new metal roof could be the last roof you will ever buy! They are resistant to UV, fire, rot, insects and moisture and will even help improve your home’s thermal performance and energy efficiency.

Cons: Metal roofing systems are expensive. Depending on the products you choose, you can expect to pay double or triple the price when compared to an asphalt roof. Keep in mind that you won’t have to replace your roof as often, or worry about roof repairs, compared to other roofing options.

Wood Roof

Pros: Usually made of cedar, wood shake roofs are an attractive roofing option. Wood shakes are made from a naturally renewable resource and are 100% recyclable which makes them the most environmentally-friendly choice. They are also a good insulator which can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Cons: The biggest drawback to wood shake shingles is the maintenance required to keep them looking great. Make sure your wood shingles have been treated with a preservative that will protect them from moss, mildew and mold growth. Wood shingles are also more expensive to buy and install than asphalt shingles.

Tile Roof

Pros: If you’re looking for an upscale look for your home, tile or slate shingles might be the answer. They are versatile in design, come in a range or colors and will give your home an elegant curb appeal. Tile is resistant to fire, rot, insects and can last for many decades. It is also very easy to maintain.

Cons: Tile or slate roofing is expensive. Not only will the materials be more expensive than other roofing options, installing tile shingles is a very specific skill and so the labor of installation will come at a higher price too. Tile shingles are also heavy and if they break, could cause issues in your gutter system.

Flat Roofs

Pros: If a home is being built, flat roofs are typically less expensive to install than sloped roofs. They can give your home a specific and unique look and if you ever have to go up on the roof for maintenance, repair or even to put up your Christmas lights, flat roofs are less dangerous to work on!

Cons: A low-pitched or flat roof do not allow snow and water to run off like steep-pitched roofs. Pooling water can cause issues, which is why investing in a quality flat roofing system is so important in order to protect your home. Flat roofing companies  can provide a proper roofing system including quality membranes that will reduce or eliminate water issues. Exterior layers could be singles, tar and gravel or a rubber roofing system depending on your home and budget.

Common Pests Affecting Homeowners

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017



Edmonton, AB attracts many pests. Mosquitoes are especially prevalent in the area, drawn to humidity and standing water. Another major problem for residents, ants frequently invade homes in the area. Lured into buildings by spilled grease, sweets, meats, and crumbs, Pharaoh ants will nest inside year-round. Carpenter ants are of more concern, though, as these pests will excavate wood to make their nesting site. Finally, carpet beetles hide underneath carpets and baseboards, as well as in dark closets, and can cause serious damage when left unchecked.

Potential Problems Caused by Home Pests

Like any unwanted guest, their presence can be extremely annoying and inconvenient. Beyond that, these pests cause serious damage to homes in Edmonton, leaving homeowners with costly repairs. Carpenter ants, for example, destroy the structural integrity of buildings because they hallow out wood for nests. And while carpet beetles many not necessarily compromise the structural integrity of homes, they destroy any items made with animal fibers such as wool, hair, and feathers. Wardrobes, furniture, rugs, and curtains are typically the victims of carpet beetle mutilation.

In addition to property damage, some pests are capable of spreading diseases to humans and pets. Mosquitoes have recently been of concern in neighboring provinces, as many have been found to carry the West Nile Virus. These blood sucking pests can also transmit the Zika virus and encephalitis.

Controlling Pests

So what can you do about all these nasty and unwanted visitors around your home? The best way to prevent disease-ridden, destructive pests from bothering you is to take away their access to food and shelter. Cleaning up all spills and keeping food in air-tight containers will deter ants. Caulking exterior holes and securing screens over windows and vents will limit the pests’ ability to get inside. Because carpet beetles and carpenter ants can be more challenging to detect, you can practice regular inspections and housekeeping. However, no matter what measures are taken, pests are persistent in their pursuits. Because of their ability to infect humans and destroy homes, it is best to let the professionals manage all pest-related problems.

Tips on Building a Fence

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017



Building a fence around your property has many benefits. A solid fence is both decorative and practical as it adds attractiveness, security and privacy to your yard. A fence will provide your family with a safe and secluded outdoor living space for your entertaining, relaxing, gardening and for your children to play in. An attractive fence will also increase your property value and make your home more marketable when it comes time to sell.

Hiring a fence contractor will ensure your fence is built properly and that all local regulations and building permits are obtained for the project. Alternatively, you could choose to build the fence yourself. Here are some DIY tips on how to build a fence:

Obtain a building permit.

In most municipalities you will need a building permit to build a fence, but in others you might not. All jurisdiction’s will have a zoning bylaw that puts regulations on the height, material and location of your fence. You can check with your local municipality to see what the local regulations and restrictions are.

You should also check with your neighborhood association, if you have one, to ensure you are compliant with their restrictions as well. The last thing you want to do it tear down a fence after learning it wasn’t compliant with these regulations.

Call before you dig!

Regardless of whether you need a permit or not, you should book a visit with a “Call Before You Dig” organization like Alberta One Call to make sure you are not building or digging near electrical, gas, water or sewer lines. They will send someone out, free of charge, to mark where your utilities are in the yard so you can be sure to steer clear of those areas.

Choose a fencing material.

You have some options when it comes to what you’re going to use to build your fence. The most popular material is wood fencing, usually a durable pressure treated lumber, but you could choose to go with PVC vinyl, aluminum, wrought-iron or chain link fencing. If you are choosing wood, some lumber companies offer pre-cut fencing packages and can give you some tips on construction and design.

Stake out where you will build your fence.

Check your land title and be sure you find your property line so you don’t accidentally build your fence on the neighbour’s yard. Stake out the corners where you want your fence to go and connect the stake’s with twine to ensure your fence is outline is square. Use a level on the twine to ensure your stakes are squared and do the same for your middle posts.

Dig post holes and install your fence posts.

Your municipality will have let you know how high your posts need to be and how deep your post holes should be too. In Alberta’s climate, you’ll have to dig deeper than the frost line which is 3 feet deep, but some jurisdictions might require you to dig deeper than that. Save yourself the back-breaking work and rent a power auger to dig your post holes.

Then put 3 to 4 inches of gravel at the bottom of each hole before inserting your post. Make sure it’s lined up properly by using a post leveler and check your post height. Either have someone hold it for you or support it with boards nailed to the post near the bottom, supported by the ground. Then pour in your quick cure concrete mix into the hole until it’s about two-thirds full. Keep the boards on to support the fence post until the concrete is cured. Then fill the remainder of the hole with dirt.

Build your fence!

Tie a piece of twine from one end post to another at the same height. This will act as a guide to make sure you line up all your fence boards at the right height along the top. Make sure your fence boards aren’t touching the ground, they should be elevated a few inches. Then screw in your horizontal support boards. You might need 2 or 3 depending on your fence height. Once the horizontal support boards are in place, start installing your vertical boards, spacing them about ½” apart. Use galvanized screws over nails as they last longer.

Stain or paint your fence.

Staining or painting your fence will help it look finished and make it more weather-proof. You can choose a simple stain or paint your fence to match the design of your home and yard. Painting will also help hide blemishes in the lumber, but will require more regular maintenance over the years so be prepared to commit to that if you want to paint.

Landscaping… Why it Matters!

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017


It’s all about curb appeal. Making that first good impression on potential home buyers starts with how your home looks like from the street. A well-designed landscape, green lawn, beautiful trees and maintained walkways will make it more aesthetically pleasing and could boost your resale value.

In the same way that good landscaping can attract buyers to your property, bad landscaping or an unkempt yard can turn them away. Professional landscapers can help you improve your home’s curb appeal, help you get a better return on investment and create an outdoor space you’re going to love using in the meantime.

You don’t have to break the bank to spruce up your curb appeal if you are planning on selling sooner than later. Here are some things you can do to spruce up your landscaping and create a more attractive curb appeal:

Clean up your yard.

Once the snow melts it is time to get your yard ready to impress! Clean up the yard, remove dead branches from your trees, pick up any mess left by your dogs, rake up leaves and debris and get rid of last year’s dead weeds. Remove or replace dead or dying plants and give your patio and walkways a good pressure wash.

Spend time on lawn maintenance.

If you plan on selling your home in the summer or fall, then spring is the best time to start a lawn maintenance regime. A brown lawn that is full of weeds does not look good on a real estate listing and an unkempt lawn might make buyers believe that the rest of the house hasn’t been properly maintained either. Dedicate some time and money in properly fertilizing, watering and mowing your lawn.

Plant a tree.

Having a tree on your property can raise your home’s value.  A property with healthy trees can easily sell for more than 5 per cent more than those that don’t have trees. Make sure you choose a tree that does well in urban environments and your climate zone. Slow growing trees, like elm or oak trees, usually offer the most value as they provide more shade and stay healthier longer.

Add some color.

Adding a few plant boxes or flower pots to your home’s landscape will give your property a splash of vibrant color and show buyers that you are proud of your property. Use flowers to spruce up patios and entry ways. If you want to build permanent flower beds, consider hiring experienced landscapers.

Add lighting.

Outdoor lights added around your deck and patio can create a more inviting atmosphere. You should also consider that potential buyers might drive by your home in the evening to check it out, so having good exterior lighting on your driveway and walk ways could help showcase your yard and all the work you’ve done to the landscaping.

Great curb appeal can attract buyers, bring up your listing price and help you sell your home faster.


Cabinet Re-facing Can Help Sell Your Home

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

What your kitchen looks like will play a major role in how fast you sell your home. An experienced real estate agent will tell you that the kitchen is the first room a potential buyer will look at when they are investigating your home, either online or during a showing.


Kitchen renovations also have a very high return on investment compared to other home renovations. According to Remodeling Magazine’s Cost vs. Value Report for 2016, a minor kitchen remodel will recoup over 83 per cent of its initial cost. That means that if you spend $20,000 on a kitchen renovation, you can expect the resale value of your home to increase by nearly $17,000.

You don’t have to spend that kind of money to fix up the kitchen, boost your resale value and your selling power. If your cabinets are in good shape and just need some aesthetic upgrading, you can save a bundle with cabinet re-facing and still reap the resale benefits of a renovated kitchen.

What is Cabinet Re-facing?

Cabinet re-facing is when you keep your original cabinet boxes but replace your cabinet doors, drawer fronts and any exposed faces of your cabinets. Since you keep your existing cabinet boxes and don’t have to completely remodel the layout of your kitchen, you’ll save yourself the major expense of buying new cabinetry and the labor of costly installation.

There are companies that can help you with cabinet re-facing in Edmonton. They will offer expert advice and everything you would need to reface your cabinets including doors, drawer fronts, veneer or laminate panels, hardware and other accessories. You can change the style, color and even the material of your cabinet faces.

How to Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets

Whether you decide to install kitchen cabinets or reface your kitchen cabinets, an avid do-it-yourself could save themselves the cost of installation by tackling the project themselves. Here are some simple steps for DIY cabinet re-facing:

  1. Remove all existing doors, drawer fronts and hinges.
  2. Clean and prepare cabinet surfaces.
  3. Apply the laminate, vinyl or veneer panels to all visible exteriors of the cabinets.
  4. Trim the coverings.
  5. Install new hinges, doors and drawer fronts.
  6. Install new hardware, moulding or other accessories you might choose

Don’t let your outdated kitchen turn away potential buyers. A minor kitchen renovation with refaced cabinetry is a cost-effective way to improve your home’s aesthetics, make it move-in ready and boost your resale value.

Save on Renovations with Energy Efficiency Rebates

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017



If you’re like most Canadian homeowners, you’ve worried about rising energy costs over the last few years, are concerned about paying high utility bills now, and are wondering how all of these expenses will impact your budget.

Keeping your home comfortable in every season can be challenging especially if you’ve got drafty windows or insufficient insulation. During the winter months, you may have been tempted to turn up the thermostat to take the chill off but instead put on another sweater to save a few dollars. Don’t forget about those dog days of summer that are just around the corner. Are you going to crank up the air conditioning as a reprieve from the heat or open the windows hoping for a natural breeze to give you a few cool hours of comfortable sleep?

Alberta Residents, help is on the way.

In an effort to encourage Alberta homeowners to increase efficiency and conservation efforts, a new government agency, Energy Efficiency Alberta, has recently launched new “Alberta energy efficiency rebates.”

On April 28th, the agency’s updated website announced details related to valuable home improvement rebates that are now available. Incentives are being offered for projects such as installing energy-efficient insulation, replacement windows and tank-less hot water heaters. In addition, savings opportunities are available for upgrades to new energy-efficient appliances, fixtures and components.

Take a look at some of the money-saving offers you may qualify for:

Home Improvement Rebates:

In order to qualify for home improvement rebates, you must work with a participating Alberta contractor. It’s recommended that you obtain quotes from three of the registered professionals before signing a contract. Pricing and final rebate totals will be based on an estimate of your home’s current energy needs, and each contractor may make different recommendations.

You will not be eligible for a rebate if you do the work yourself.





As your home ages, the insulation in your home will compact and become less efficient. Today’s new products and technologies offer various types of insulation and installation methods that will reduce energy costs, improve comfort and add value to your home at resale.

Energy Efficiency Alberta’s insulation rebates include:

  • Attic
  • Main walls
  • Basement
  • Half walls

A maximum rebate total for the installation of new insulation in your home is $3,500.

You can use these types of insulation:

  • Loose fill
  • Blown-in
  • Rolls or batts
  • Spray foam
  • Rigid board

Your contractor will calculate the change in R-value (resistance to transfer heat) before and after the new product installation. The more energy savings achieved, the more rebate will be earned.





Even if your old windows are keeping the rain and snow from getting into your home, it’s pretty likely they aren’t keeping the wind out or the heat/cold air in—and that means you’re wasting energy.

As windows are exposed to varying temperatures and weather conditions, they start to wear. You may notice discoloration of the wood (a good indicator of water damage), or the window frames are rotting (the wood is spongy), or they don’t open and close properly.

A professional evaluation can determine if your windows can be repaired or if replacement is needed. Again, Energy Efficiency Alberta recommends three estimates to obtain the best pricing and service.

Installing new energy-efficient windows can qualify you for a maximum of $1,500 in rebates.

Not all types of replacement windows meet the incentive requirements. You’ll need to upgrade to:

  • Energy Star® rated—windows must meet Energy Star® guidelines for performance and energy efficiency as certified by the National Fenestration Rating Council. These vary by climate zone.
  • Triple pane—three panes of glass are sandwiched together with high-insulating Argon or Krypton gas filling the space between the panes. They’re often built with stronger frames to hold the extra weight and more durable hardware.
  • Low-E (Low-emittance) coating—uncoated glass has a very low U-value and allows heat and cold to easily transfer through it. Treating it with a low-emittance coating allows short-wavelength sunlight through but reflects long-wavelength radiation. In winter, this means heat loss is reduced and the sun’s heat stays inside. In summer, harmful UV rays are blocked while still allowing natural light through.
  • Argon gas filled—insulates better than air, so filling the space between glass panes provides a more efficient window. Triple pane windows with an extra layer of Argon gas significantly reduces heat loss.

Rebates are determined by window size, frame style, number of window panes and energy efficiency improvement (U-value) from the existing window. Your contractor can calculate the total rebate eligibility.


Tank-less Water Heaters


Have you ever jumped into the shower on a cold, winter morning expecting to be comforted by the nice, warm water spray but realized too late that your family had already used up all the hot water?

Upgrade to a tankless hot water heater and you’ll never have to take a cold shower again. Instead of holding hot water in a storage tank, cold water is heated on demand with a gas burner or electric element. Energy Star® demand systems require less space, can be 34-percent more efficient than traditional storage tank systems for low-demand households, and save approximately $100 per year.

Lower operating costs and a life expectancy of more than 20 years (compared to 10 to 15 years) are additional benefits you can expect when upgrading to a new tankless hot water heater system. When you use a participating contractor to install your new unit, you may be eligible for up to $1,000 in Alberta energy efficiency rebates.

Appliance Rebates

Not ready to do a contractor-assisted home improvement yet? You can still take advantage of online rebates being offered to Albertans with the purchase of qualifying refrigerators, washing machines and smart thermostats.

Applying is simple:

  • Purchase a qualifying appliance or thermostat.
  • Complete the online application with pertinent details.
  • Upload your receipt.
  • Receive a rebate cheque in the mail.



You may not realize that your old refrigerator is an “energy hog” and that no other home appliance uses more electricity. New technologies introduced in the home appliance market are now even more efficient than Energy Star® standards. Earn a $100 rebate for the purchase of a qualifying CEE Tier 3 refrigerator.

Washing Machine

Has your washing machine seen better days? Is it making a strange noise or do your clothes seem a little dingy these days? It may be time for an upgrade, and Energy Efficiency Alberta wants to help.

Receive up to $100 for the purchase of a CEE Tier 3 washing machine and save even more with the highest energy and water savings on the market today. Trusted brand names models from manufacturers such as Whirlpool, Maytag, Samsung, LG, GE and more are included, so you can be sure you’re getting quality products.


Smart Thermostat

Another online rebate will be making its way to your mailbox if you purchase a qualifying smart thermostat. Over the years, you may have upgraded your thermostat to a programmable style that allows you to control the temperature by the time of day. You may already try to save money by lowering the heat at night when you’re sleeping or when you’re away from the house. While this can work fairly well, it takes time and more energy to bring the home back up to a comfortable temperature if things change.

Upgrade to a smart thermostat and your home will always be at the perfect temperature. These state-of-the-art components learn from your actions, utilize web apps to control the unit remotely, self-adjust for high humidity and overly dry conditions, track energy use and allow you to see what your cost savings will be for each adjustment.

You can collect a $100 rebate with the purchase of select Honeywell, Nest or Ecobee3 smart thermostats, and watch your heating and cooling bills go down.

There’s no better time to save money on home improvements than now. Take advantage of rebate-earning, energy efficiency projects before they’re gone. Visit Energy Efficiency Alberta for instant savings on LED bulbs, light fixtures, dimmers low-flow faucets and more.

Annual Treasure Hunt & Large Item Pick Up Returns

Monday, May 1st, 2017


Reduce and reuse! The Treasure Hunt and Large Item Pick up are back! From May 5-7th, residents can ‘hunt’ for household items on their neighbors’ curbs and discard of any unwanted items themselves.

The following week, May 8-12th, the Town will collect any leftover items except:
-Vehicle parts, including motors and tires
-Rail road ties
-Construction materials, including windows and carpet
-Electronic waste, including keyboards and microwaves
-Hazardous waste, including batteries and paint
-Extra household waste, including bags of clothing

Mayor William Choy says, “The Treasure Hunt is a fantastic opportunity for residents to rehome items they no longer need or want.” Choy continues, “Overall, it helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in our landfill, and it fits with our Don’t Just Trash It! household waste education campaign.

Residents are encouraged to place various household items on the curb before noon on May 5th for the Treasure Hunt and before noon on May 8th for the Large Item Pickup.

Items not placed outside by this time on May 8th may not be picked up.

To learn more about the Treasure Hunt and restricted items for the Large Item Pickup, visit


article by the Town of Stony Plain



Cleaning House: Should you hire cleaners after Reno’s?

Saturday, April 29th, 2017


Many home sellers turn to professional renovations and improvements as a tool to improve their home equity, asking price, interest in the property, and time on the market. While renovations can increase the sticker price and do often draw in buyers that may not have been attracted to a property before, they can also leave a house dirty and in disarray. During a renovation, sawdust, insulation, tile shavings, and scrap metal find their way into every nook and cranny of a property and can continue to surface weeks and months later. Thankfully, many of the best professional cleaning services offer packages designed explicitly to fit this need. But what are the advantages to hiring a professional cleaner? Are they necessary and worth the cost?

Will a little dust really affect the sale?

There’s a reason why car dealerships, even those that don’t offer maintenance and repair, have car detailing departments. Even if the vehicle runs perfectly and has all the desired features, if it’s coated with dust or bird droppings, the buyer, although they know logically that these problems are easily fixed, will include them in his or her calculations of the car’s value.

And the same principles apply equally to real estate. If a home has a recently renovated kitchen with updated appliances, new cabinetry, and granite countertops, but also has a fine coat of renovation dust, a prospective buyer might only value the improvement at $5,000 or $10,000, instead of the $20,000 the sellers anticipate. Even though a buyer knows that a dust problem can be solved with a phone call and a few hundred dollars, it still affects the way a potential buyer views the house’s features and the previous owners. After all, they might think, “if the previous owners didn’t feel they needed to get the home professionally cleaned after a major renovation, what else could they have skimped on or neglected?”

Can’t I just do it myself?

Sellers often scoff at the thought of hiring professional renovation cleaners and other, similar services: “why should I hire a professional cleaner when I can just do it myself?” But do-it-yourselfers tend to drastically underestimate the time, effort, and equipment it takes to complete a post-renovation deep clean of their property. For professional renovation cleaners, a renovation cleaning can take five or six people five or six hours to complete. So, how many hours can you spare this Saturday afternoon, 30?

And keep in mind, these people are professionals, they know what, where, and how to clean. Dust from a renovation will settle everywhere. I’ve known owners who have found a fresh layer of dust on their computer monitor each morning in their attic office during a basement renovation. That’s the magic, and curse of central ventilation. Trust me, you won’t want a potential buyer to remember making it snow in your guest bedroom after checking to make sure the ceiling fan works instead of your new crown molding or hardwood floors. Dust just doesn’t leave a great impression of a property.


But are professional cleaners worth the money?

The fees house cleaners charge vary drastically depending on many factors, including local market forces, the size of your home, the size of the mess, etc. But, regardless of the price, you have to remember that, when selling a home, it’s the big numbers and the macro transactions that really matter. Selling a dirty home is like trying to win a footrace while wearing ankle weights. You can do it, but chances are, especially in a competitive market, it will take longer than you’d like to cross the finish line. And turnover time is one of the greatest contributors to an ultimately unprofitable real estate transaction. An extra week on the market can mean an extra mortgage payment, staging fees, listing fees–the list goes on. If paying the extra cash up front to get your property professionally cleaned means that your house sells a week or two sooner, then you’ll likely come out ahead in the end.

And the great news is house cleaners often offer deep discounts for monthly or weekly cleaning services, which can be a huge help if you have weekly, public viewings. Ask anyone who’s tried to sell a property during one of our winters: the snow, mud, and salt tracked in by viewers compounds very quickly.

So, you’ve already spent the money on a renovation you hope will bring additional value and a faster sale to your property, now finish the job by hiring professional renovation cleaners to make those improvements shine.

7 easy tips on how to clean screens and window glass

Monday, April 17th, 2017


There’s nothing like natural light to illuminate your home … until the sun’s rays start to highlight all of the dirt, spider webs and fingerprints built up on your windows. Don’t start wishing for clouds and rain just yet, though — it’s easy to keep your screens and window glass clean year-round. Read on to learn seven simple tips that’ll have you looking forward to sunny days and open windows.

Save Yesterday’s News

This one might come as a surprise, but it turns out yesterday’s newspaper can come in handy when it’s time to wash and dry your windows. A black-and-white sheet of newspaper is surprisingly wonderful at wiping your windows dry. Of course, you could also use a squeegee if you want to be professional about it.

Screen Queens

Your screen is vital when you want to open your windows, but they tend to get super dirty over the winter when they’re not in use. Fortunately, you don’t have to take them out and scrub them like you might’ve already done in the past. Instead, grab your vacuum, stick on the dust-busting brush, and clean your screens from the inside out.

Keep the Spider Webs Away

Are you tired of not wanting to open a window because of spiders that reside between the glass and screen? There’s a super simple way to keep those bugs away! Spring is a perfect time to finally open that window to clear out the webs and vacuum the screen. Afterwards just spray the corners of the screen where spiders seem to go with a mixture of 8 oz water and 5-10 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Welcome Fresher Air

You just cleaned that window last week, right? So why is it so dirty? Don’t blame yourself — it turns out your heating and air-conditioning system might be to blame. Try replacing the filter in order to ensure it more efficiently cleans pollen, dust, dander and other free radicals from the air. Your windows will stay cleaner for longer and, as an added bonus, you’ll be breathing fresher air. Now that’s a win-win.

Fight Tough Stains

You might live in a hard-water zone or you might just have an unlucky mix of regular rainfall and metal panes. Regardless, you’ve now got mineral stains and streaks on your windows. One of the best ways to tackle them is with steel wool, which scrubs them away with ease. You could also try gritty cleaning solutions that rub away stains with abrasives and easily rinse away.

Seal the Deal

You’ve also got to worry about your blinds, since they cover your windows. Blinds made of cloth are particularly notorious for collecting unwanted dust. This is another problem that’s no big deal to overcome. Simply spray them with Static Guard or another spray with similar antiseptic qualities. Make sure you do it right after you clean them, so as to not lock in any lingering dust bunnies.

Sill the Deal, Too

Finally, you’ve got to get your windowsills sparkling to complete the picture. This is one task that can be frustrating because your exterior windowsills are clearly exposed to the elements. In order to aid them in repelling dirt and dust from piling up, brush on a thin layer of floor wax. Voila.

You might even find yourself dreaming of a house with even more windows now that you know how to maintain them in a flash. Now, go enjoy the sun — you’ve got a good view from the inside and out.

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